- Noel Pearson -

Here is a selection of my publications. Click on the title to view the whole text, or chose a category on the left.

  • Grog the root of all evil
    LAST month, Democrats deputy leader Aden Ridgeway attacked Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson in a newspaper column for promoting the ideal that indigenous people should break the welfare dependency chains and take responsibility for their lives. Ridgeway... read more
  • London office plan outrages Aborigines
    ABORIGINAL organisations are outraged that their peak body, ATSIC, is to cut regional health and legal budgets so a $3.6 million office can be established in London to lobby international assistance for a ``treaty'' between white and black... read more
  • Make the message stick
    A LITTLE bloke and a couple of his mates cornered me at Pormpuraaw State School during the week. They were part of the cheer squad for a dance group putting on a performance for Premier Peter Beattie and his wife, Heather, who were visiting. Brian... read more
  • Pearson targets drug use
    ABORIGINAL leader Noel Pearson is pleading for government action to rid indigenous communities of alcohol and drugs. He also claims too many indigenous and non-indigenous leaders were unsuited to their positions because they were drunks or illicit... read more
  • Critics on both sides take aim at title deal
    'It appears our rights have been bartered away between a state government and federal regime...That's an alarming development as far as indigenous people are concerned' ATSIC chairman Geoff Clark. 'The Federal ALP has turned its back on Queensland... read more
  • CAPE of good HOPE
    Cape York Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson's plan to free his people from what he calls 'the poison of welfare' is gathering pace. Tony Koch reports TO BE a grandparent is surely one of life's real rewards. Visions come of a couple rising a bit... read more
  • Recognising kith and kin
    By: Peter Botsman 'Public and private spending should be contributing to the capacity of people to develop their own solutions' IT'S taken 18 months for the southern media to catch up with Tony Koch, The Courier-Mail and Noel Pearson.... read more
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